Cameron Milne


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Data Scientist with experience building data-intensive applications while delivering analytical solutions to improve decision-making.

Currently working for Reveal Global Consulting where I focus on NLP applications for the U.S. Census Bureau. Previously a Data Scientist on KPMG's Data, Analytics, and AI team working on projects in the Life Sciences, Banking, and Entertainment sectors.

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Updated: 10/21/2023



Work Experience

Data Scientist @ KPMG, Digital Lighthouse (July 2022 - August 2023)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Projects

Twitter Plug-In for Reducing Harmful Content

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Built a Chrome extension capable of filtering a Twitter feed based on negative content (e.g. depressiveness) using an XgBoost model and packing into a RESTful API deployed on Heroku (Github, Medium)

Comparing Pre-trained and Fine-tuned Transformers Models on Patent Data

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Compared performance of LLM models (BART, Pegasus, T5) before and after fine-tuning on patent data to measure generalizability of popular transformer models on scientific language and performance trade offs for size differences

Verizon Support and Sales Chatbot Service

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Python implementation of a support agent capable of discerning a customer/user’s motivation and responding with the appropriate personality (tech support vs. sales) to serve their needs.

The project uses LangChain’s framework for chaining an augmented retrieval function to a chat LLM to provide document Q&A capabilities. The Agent uses the same LLM and a set of tools with predefined use-cases and retrieval mechanisms to interpret the user input and respond with the appropriate tool. The data used in this repo is a collection of Verizon FAQ materials scraped from their blog.

This is a rudimentary approach approximating a large-scale chatbot service with billing that scales with customer demand and intelligent Q&A capabilities on a personalized dataset.

Excel Document Analyzer with LangChain and VertexAI

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LangChain and LLM-backed application for providing Q&A capabilities on an Excel document


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My complete implementation of assignments in SI-630: Natural Language Processing at the University of Michigan (Fall, 2021)

Topics include:

Information Retrieval Projects


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My complete implementation of assignments in SI-650: Information Retrieval at the University of Michigan (Spring, 2022)

Topics include:

Data Science Projects

Machine Learning References

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Collection of ML use-cases, implementations, and cleaned datasets for reference. Scripts are sourced from personal projects and coursework.

|   |-- Classifying the Political Framing of Campaign Emails (Logistic Regression)
|   |-- Train a Word2Vec model on Wikipedia Biographies with debiasing (Tensorboard)
|   |-- Computer Vision with CNN
|--HuggingFace (Transformers)
|   |-- Predicting Helpful Stack Overflow Answers and Data Annotation/Measuring Annotation Quality
|   |-- Pattern-Based Learning (Exploitation Training) for Toxic Language
|--Coursework Examples
|   |--SI630 - Natural Language Processing
|   |   |-- Classifying the Political Framing of Campaign Emails (Logistic Regression)
|   |   |-- Train a Word2Vec model on Wikipedia Biographies with debiasing (Tensorboard)
|   |   |-- Predicting Helpful Stack Overflow Answers and Data Annotation/Measuring Annotation Quality (HuggingFace)
|   |   |-- Pattern-Based Learning (Exploitation Training) for Toxic Language
|   |
|   |--SI670 - Applied Machine Learning
|   |   |--TBD
|   |
|   |--SI671 - Data Mining
|   |   |-- Mining and Evaluating Frequent Itemsets on Twitter Emojis
|   |   |-- Time Series analysis of COVID-19 trends for G7 Nations
|   |   |-- Social Network Analysis for Amazon Product Reviews

MLOps References

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My complete implementation of assignments in Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps) Specialization taught by Andrew Ng on Coursera. This repo is a collection of the scripts and projects for future reference.

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